Cooperativa Teatro Alkestis is a research centre in the field of experimental theatre. It has operated in Cagliari since 1983. However, the company was established in 1973, thus representing one of the oldest acting companies in Sardinia.

Its areas of intervention range from the production and distribution of its own shows to the running of seminars for new actors, from education in schools to the organization of performances, festivals and film retrospectives. All these activities have substantially contributed to shape the offer of cultural events in Sardinia.


1983/ 84___

Teatro Alkestis worked at a research project on ancient rituals in collaboration with the Istituto del Teatro e dello Spettacolo (Institute of History of the Theatre and Show) of the University of Rome and the Schools of Education, Letterature and Philosophy of the University of Cagliari and Sassari. The outcome of the project were two seminars: "Ceremony and Theatre" and "The Way to the Heart" with the viewing of "The World of the Whirling Dervishes from Turkey" a documentary filmed and produced by Teatro Alkestis. The project took three years, during which the researchers went round the world to find "masters" able to convey issues and rituals. To implement this project the following people gave their contribution:

- Ferruccio Marotti: He is the major scholar of Theatre Antropology in Italy, director of the Instute of History of the Theatre at tha University La Sapienza in Rome. He presented some documentaries filmed by himself in Greece and India on the rituals of possession such as "The Anastenars Dance" and "Bauls", mad dancers from Bengal.

- Anna Masala: H.C. University of Istambul, lecturere of Turkish Language and Literature at the University La Sapienza in Rome and major international expert of Dervishes.

- Gigi Livio: lecturer of History of the Teatre at the University of Cagliari.

- Leonardo Sole: lecturer of History of the Theatre at the University of Sassari.

- Gianfranco Capitta: journalist for Il Manifesto.

- Ugo Volli, journalist for La Repubblica.



Alkestis organised a three-days performance called "The ritual dance of the Dervishes of Konya", staged by the Brotherhood of the Mevlevi Dervishes of Konya (Turkey) and staged at the Roman Anfitheatre in Cagliari within the Festival "A Summer in Cagliari" sponsored by the Department of Culture of Cagliari Council.

Since 1987 Alkestis has committed to the education and the spreading of a theatrical knowledge in Sardinia by producing, year after year, theatre shows that have circulated in several theathres both in Italy and abroad .

The aim was to reach those areas in which such events are usually rare, and also to establish a cultural exchange between those places and urban centres where theatrical performances are common and frequent.

Among the various activities carried out by Alkestis, particular importance has had the production of original shows, expression of the peculiar culture of our acting company, based not only on an in-depth examination of different theatre and para theatre techniques, but also on the research of links between these techniques and other forms of expression typical of other cultures.

In thirty years of activity, Teatro Alkestis has produced many works, mainly directed by the company director and art director, Mr. Massimo Michittu. Among these are:

"Roms", the history and poetry of Gipsies, narrated through the daily life of a gipsy family. The show was staged in more than 120 theatres in the island of Sardinia.

"Eclats de verre", scenic elaboration set up starting from some literary reference and historical documents on the lives on Joan D'Arc, Maximilien Robespierre and Arthur Rimbaud. The show was staged in more than 120 theatres in Sardinia and was part of various festival organized by the Province of Cagliari.

"Nabib tra il cielo e il mare" (Nabib between the sea and the sky), inspired to the works of Melvelle and Colerige Moby Dick and the Ballad of ancient mariner, staged in several theatres in Sardinia.

"Sibellicus, noto mago e negrromante" (Sibellicus, well-known wizard and necromancer), drawn from the works of Goethe and Lenau. It was staged in Cagliari and other towns and villages.


1991/ 92___

In 1991 Teatro Alkestis acquired an estate and refurbished it so to create a new theatre. Since then, it has organized several shows and events, such as Incontri (Encounters) which is held annually between June and November. Many national and international artists have partecipated, eg Claudio Morganti, Enzo Moscato, The Living Theatre, Alfieri Teatro, Marcido Marcidorjs e Famosa Mimosa, Pey Jan Ling, Else Marie Laukvik, Ruotalibera Teatro, Ravenna Teatro, Teatro del Sole, etc.


1994/ 96___

- In1994 the show "Macbeth - La coscienza dell'Incubo" (Macbeth - the conscience of a nightmare) was produced. It was staged until 1996 with over 100 repeated performances. It partecipated at a festival in Perugia organized by the Teatro di Sacco.

- In 1996 three new shows were produced by Alkestis: "Savage/Love, Kafka - L'Artista come animale" (Savage/Love, Kafka - the artist as an animal), and "Il Grande Sole di Hiroshima" (The Great Sun of Hiroshima)


1996/ 97___

- From the second half of the 1990s Teatro Alkestis has organized several performances that have contributed to increase the supply or cultural events in Cagliari. Among these can be mentioned Milon Mela - La Festa degli Incontri" (Milon Mela - the feast of encounters) (August 1996), a week dedicated to the Indian culture and its theatre. The festival was directed by Abani Biswas, actor and director, and among the guests were the Bauls from Bengal, the Chhau from Bihar and some masters of Kalarippayattu, martial art of Kerala.

- In 1997 was organized "Con gli occhi dell'oriente" (With the eyes of the Orient), a festival of theatre and music. In its first edition it hosted the Chinese actress Pey Jan Ling, from the Beijin Opera, the Teatre Kathakali of Kalatharamgini Troupe from India, and the Teatro Tascabile from Bergamo in Italy. Both festivals consisted of theatre workshops, conferencences, parades and theatre performances.

- First edition of "Cinema and Theatre Project", dedicated to the Shakespearian works.



- Second edition of "Cinema and Theatre Project" dedicated to Harold Pinter, playwright and screenwriter, actor and theatre director.

- Second edition of "Con gli occhi dell'Oriente". After twelve years the Whirling Dervishes of Konya performed in the Roman Anfitheatre of Cagliari with a two-day performance based on the Sema Ceremony.

- Theatre Festival Incontri (Encounters), within which the showcase Incontri Imprevedibili (Unpredictable Encounters) was held. It hosted the director Alejandro Jodorowsky, to whom a retrospective of his most successful films was dedicated. During a conference Jodorowsky presented, for the first time in Italy, his new poems compilation.



National preview of the new production Opera Panica, written and directed by Alejandro Jodorowsky and interpreted by an international cast, among whom Sabrina Mascia, an actress of Teatro Alkestis. The show was performed in several Theatres in Italy and also in the Theatre Bobigny in Paris, where it was staged for over a month. In-summer the project Poiesis Poesia turned into a national festival named Pullman My Daisy. It started in Cagliari and then in Florence, Turin, Naples and Rome.



-10th anniversary of the festival Incontri, an important showcase for the best national productions that distinguished for innovation. On that occasion, a booklet with a detailed list of the shows performed from 1992 to 2001 and the image riproduction of the posters were printed. The festival hosted illustrious guests such as Licia Maglietta and Anna Bonaiuto. A new collaboration with the actor and director Claudio Morgante started. Morgante is considered one of the best Italian actors. Out of this collaboration, were presented "Il bicchiere della staffa" and "Il linguaggio della montagna", two of the three playets that are part of the Trilogia del Consenso by Harold Pinter, the greatest living playwright. The two main actors of Teatro Alkestis, Sabrina Mascia and Sergio Piano, acted in the shows. After the debut in Cagliari the shows were staged at the Teatro Metastasio in Prato, the Teatro Arsenale in Milan and the Teatro Reon in Bologna.

-The fourth edition of the festival "Con gli occhi dell'Oriente" was organized within the summer programme "Un'estate a Cagliari". It proposed musicians such as Jajouka from Morocco and the Urs Karpatz from Romania.



- Third edition of "Incontri imprevedibili". At the centre of the festival was the photographic exhibition "Un attimo di eternità, il teatro contemporaneo in 50 fotorgrafie" (A moment of eternity - Contemporary Theatre in 50 photographs) by Tony d'Urso, was held at the Exma exhibition centre in Cagliari from 10th to 20th of January.

- Within the exhibition was presented the 2002 edition of Patalogo, published by Ubulibri in Milan, - and presented by the editorial director Franco Quadri, theatre critic for the newspaper La Repubblica.

- In January and February the shows "Il bicchiere della staffa" and "Il linguaggio della montagna", received positive reviews by both the public and critics in Bologna, Milan and Prato. - In April Teatro Alkestis and Teatro Auditorium Comunale worked at the "Progetto Riccardo III". It offered a critical framework about the shakespearian character, both in the cinema and the theatre. - Two shows of the Riccardo III were performed , directed and acted by Claudio Morgante, with a cast of 17 actors, produced by Teatro Metastasio, Biennale di Venezia and Teatro di Roma.

- As for the cinema, three films, directed by Al Pacino, Richard Loncraine and Laurence Oliver were proposed. They were reviewed by Professo Laura Sanna from the University of Cagliari and the film critic Gianni Olla, from the newspapere La Nuova Sardegna.

- In October the shows "Il bicchiere della staffa" and "Il linguaggio della Montagna were selected by the national TV channel Rai 3 for a live from the Teatro Due in Rome, during which Harold Pinter and other actors were interviewd.



In line with its mission of promoting contemporary European dramaturgy, the 2003 project was a new production named END, which included the two afterpieces by Pinter and one by Samuel Ibba. Once again, the direction was entrusted to Claudio Morganti, who starred together with two actors of Teatro Alkestis and three external ones.

The premier was presented at the summer Festival in Montalcino and Val d'Orcia before starting a national touring. The show debuted on 3rd August.

Between October and December a new project, which included cinema, theatre and conferences, was dedicated to one of the fathers of contemporary theatre, Antonin Artaud. Among the guests were the French director Gerard Mordillat, who made two films about Artaud, and professor Marco De Marinis, the journalist Gianni Manzella and Professor Nicola Savarese. The project incolved some schools and the University of Cagliari.

With the aim of startig a permanent training process, a new workshop for young actors was activated. It was held by both the company's actors and external actors and directors. It was not conceived as a traditional acting school but as an experimental training centre, that allowed the youngsters to refine their artistic talent and ambition.



The year starter with a long national circuit in the Italian regions of Lombardia, Emilia Romagna and Toscany. The shows of Teatro Alkestis were staged for two weeks at the Teatro dei Filodrammatici in Milan, within a fastival about the 20th century, to which Harold Pinter was invited.

In April and May was staged the thirteen edition of the theatre festival Incontri, recognized as one of the most important festival of contemporary theathre in Sardinia.

In October and November the second edition of "Hommage to Antonin Arteaud" took place. The review received the approval by some academics from Paris, who praised the accuracy and vastity of the programme and also the attention paid by the national press, that considered the review organized by Alkestis as the most important review about the French dramaturgist so far organized in Italy. With the involvement of three French acting companies and the collaboration with the French Embassy in Italy the 2004 edition of "Hommage to Antonin Arteaud" became truly international.



- In January the activity started with the theatre workshops held since 2002 by the our art director Massimo Michittu and the actor and director Sergio Piano The shows directed by Claudio Morganti continue their circuit. The show "L'amara sorte del servo Gigi" (The Bitter Destiny of the Servant Gigi), produced in 2004 was staged in Bologna, Florence, Naples - Caserta.

- The new production "Waiting for…." directed by Paganelli, that debuted at the festival di Armonia at the Castello Pasquini in Castiglioncello on 18th July 2004 and circuited in Florence, Bologna and Tortoli was staged as opening at Teatro Alkestis in April 2005.

- In April and May took place the first part of the festival Incontri that hosted among the best acting companies and shows in Italy.

- In October the third edition of the festival "Hommage to Antonin Arteaud" - together with the second part of Incontri took place. - The festival had become an important point of reference for scholars, fans of Arteaud and institutions such as the University of Cagliari and Paris, the French Embassy in Rome, which ain addition to the patronage in that edition also gave a financial contribution.

- At the festival were invited Serge Malaussena, Arteaud's nephew and Evelyne Grossman, professor of Contemporary French language and liiterature at the University of Paris. Another guest was Marco Dotti, writer and journalist, who writes on the national newspaper Il Manifesto.



The year started with a homage to Harold Pinter and Samuel Beckett, in the centenary of his birth, named "Progetto Beckett/ Pinter: il potere, la memoria e l'assurdo" (Beckett/ Pinter project: power, memory and the absurd), that hosted the show "Altri giorni felice" (More Happy Days) with Remondi and Caporossi, on stage in Cagliari after fifteen year. The acting company Laboratorio di Pontedera, staged the show "Aspettando Godot". In additino some feature films by Harold Pinter and some Films by Samuel Beckett were shown and commented by experts such as Franco Cotticelli (lecture of History of the Theatre at the school of Foreign Languages and Literature at the University of Cagliari, Gianni Olla, cinema critic and Daniela Paba (theatre critic).

-In May together with Laboratorio Nove from Florence the new co-production "Waiting long…." was staged. Written by Rita Frongia and directed by Claudio Morganti, it debuted at the Teatro Politeama in Poggibonsi - Siena.

The new production "Furor di Popolo" by and with Claudio Morganti was presented at the Festival of Armunia, held at Castello Pasquini of Castiglioncello - Livorno. It was also staged in Bologna and in Sicily.

"L'amara sorte del servo Gigi" toured in Emilia Romagna, Veneto, Lombardia and Toscany at the Festival of Armonia and the Festival of Montalcino.

The production "Il Teatro dei Fratelli Scomparso" (The theatre of the Scomparso brothers) debuted locally at Teatro Alkestis and nationally in Piemonte.

In July debuted the show "Per amore di Sarah" (For Sarah's sake), drawn from Sarah Kane's novels. It was directed by Sergio Piano.

In October the show "Psicosi 4.48" also directed by Sergio Piano debuted at the Royal Palace in Cagliari.



First edition of the project "Voci dal Mediterraneo - Riflessi d'Oriente", carried out in collaboration with Andrea Duranti and Matteo Tuveri, Phd students at the University of Cagliari. With the scientific supervision of Patrizia Manduchi and Annamaria Baldussi, professors at the same university, the project received the patronage by UNESCO, ISIAO and the Foundation Maria Carta.

Among the guests for the scientific part were. Angela Terzani Staude (writer), Mario Zanot (director), Alfredo Lando (photographer), Prisca Nzeymana, Valeria Ferraro (Phd at the University l'Orientale in Naples), Alessandra Marchi (Phd at the Ecole des Haute Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris), Nasser Ahmed Ismail (Phd at the University of Cagliari) Leonardo Marras (President of Foundation Maria Carta), David Mancini (Foundation Maria Carta), Giacomo Serreli (Journalist) Walter Porcedda (Journalist) Farian Sabahi (Journalist). Among the artists were: the band Tinariwen from Mali, the band Ensamble Mehr from Iran, a singer from the Cairo Academy of Arts, Elettra Cubeddu and Alessandro Quartu from Italy, Ornella d'Agostino and Teatro dall'Argine.

The show "Omaggio a Maria Carta", directed by Massimo Michittu, was produced in partnership with the Cairo Academy of Arts. It was performed by the singer Elettra Cubeddu and the dancer Ornella d'Agostino.

The theatre show "Voci Buio" (Voices in the darkness), directed by Pascale Aiguierr was also produced. Starred Davide Piludu, Josto Luzzu, Giuseppa Salidu, Andrea Ibba, Laura Solla and Valentina Angius.

In collaboration with Centro Studi Danza Arte Terapia in Cagliari and Circo Calumet the project about social theatre "Di diversità virtù" was carried out.

The shows "Il Teatro dei Fratelli Scomparso" and "Voci nel Buio" were included in the project funded by the regional government of Sardinia "Un'isola in Festival and were staged in some towns and villages.

The festival "Incontri" hosted the acting company of Claudio Remondi and Riccardo Caporossi (Rome) with the show "Me&Me", for the first time in Sardinia. La Fionda Teatro (Milan) with the show "De Rerum Natura" and Meridiano Zero (Sassari) with the show "I can't get no satisfaction" draw from Memorie dal sottosuolo by Dostojevsky.

Two different workshops were held respectively by Sergio Piano and by Andrea Meloni with Simone Dulcis.



- A new show "Dove vola la Fenice - Una via nell'infinito cielo" (Where the Phoenix flies) co-produced by Teatro Alkestis and the Cairo Academy of Arts and directed by Massimo Michittu, debuted on 19 October at the 20th edition of the Cairo International Festival for Experimental Theatre. Starred Sabrina Mascia, Alberto Lorrai, Elena Cannella, Doaa Teima, Mahmoud Imam and Mohamed Allam.

- The show "Malaccorto Amore" was also produced by Teatro Alkestis on a project by the acting company Circo Calumet and directed by Andrea meloni, with Andrea Meloni, Simone Dulcis, Elisabetta Piras and Sabrina Mascia. It was part of the regional project aimed at decentralizing artistic events named "Un'isola in Festival". Il staged in the festival Marosi di Mutezze by the compan Meridiano Zero.

- Presentation of the book "La Luce Nera" by Marco Dotti and presented by Silvère Lotringer from Columbia University.

- First edition of a three-year project named "Carovane di Arte e di Pace" (Caravans of Art and Peace) in partnership with the Cairo Academy of Arts, with the patronage of the Region of Sardinia and the University of Cagliari. The project was carried out Sabrina Mascia and Nasser Ismail, Esmat Yhia, from the Cairo Academy of Arts, Matteo Tuveri and Andrea Duranti, with the art direction by Massimo Michittu and the scientific supervision of professor Giovanna Cerina from the University of Cagliari, Rabie Salama from the Istituto di Cultura of the Egyptian Embassy in Rome, Esmat Yhia and Giacomo Serreli. Speakers: Giovanna Cerina, Radhouan Ben Amara (University of Cagliari), Paola Viviani (University of Naples), Moheb Saab (University Ayn Shams in Cairo) Passim Dahmash (University of Cagliari).

Third edition of "Teatri dal Margine", the festival about social theatre, in collaboration with Circo Calumet and Centro Studi Danza, Animazione, Arte e Terapia, directed by Massimo Michittu and Andrea Meloni and the scientifi advice of Vincenzo Pusceddu. Guests: Simone Dulcis, Stefano Fanni, Sara Costa, Compagnia d'arte Circo Calumét, compagnia Isole Comprese Teatro, Triangolo scaleno, Salvo Pitruzzella, Alessandro Fantechi, Vincenzo Pusceddu and Andrea Meloni.

- Teathre festival Incontri about Carmelo Bene (first part) coordinated by Marco Dotti and Teatro Alkestis and the direction of Massimo Michittu. Speakers: Marco Dotti, Gianni Olla, Francesco Cotticeli, Piergiorgio Giacché (writer, critic and journalist) Giulio Angioni, Filippo Zerilli (University of Cagliari), Daniela Paba and Federico Ercole (journalists).

Workshop for actors "Il sigillo della conoscenza" directed by Massimo Michittu.

Workshop for beginners directed by Massimo Michittu.



- The theatre show "Rovesci d'Amore", produced by Teatro Alkests on a project by Circo Calumèt, directed by Andrea Meloni with Sabrina Mascia, Andrea Meloni and Elisabetta Piras debuted on 4th December at Teatro aleksts.

- First edition of "CinamanimeShon" a festival about Japanese mangas and anime was held between 7th October and 29th November. Coordinators of the project were Federico Ercole and Serena Vincenzi. Art Director Massimo Michittu, managing director Sabrina Mascia. In collaboration with the Centro Internazionale del Fumetto. The event received the patronage by the Institute of Japanese Culture: Speakers, guests: Bepi Vigna, Mario Bellina, Deborda Maria Daniele, Eleonora Benecchi, Alberto Montosi, Daniele Timpano and the acting company Amnesia Vivace.

- Inauguration of the Media Library of Teatro Alkestis.

- Third edition of the festival "Teatri dal Margine", in collaboration with Circo Calumèt and Centro Studi Danza, Animazione, Arte e Terrapia. Art directors Andrea Meloni and Massimo Michittu, scientific supervisor: Vincenzo Pusceddu. Speakers and guests: Simone Dulcis, Stefano Fanni, Compagnia d'Arte Circo Calumét, Giovanni Pasquero Elia, Gigi Picciau, Alessadro Pontremoli, Carovana Smi, Giovanni Lindo Ferretti, Ezio Bonicelli, Mariangela Gualtieri of Teatro Valdoca.


On April 16, a replica of the 2009 production “Rovesci d’Amore" was performed at the Cine Teatro Comunale in Carbonia. A new production “La Drogheria di Odense", co-produced by Teatro Laboratorio Alkestis and Compagnia d'Arte Circo Calumèt, directed by Andrea Meloni, with Sabrina Mascia and Verena Knaup. The show tells the story of the life of the writer Hans Christian Andersen and it is dedicated not only to children but also to adults. It debuted on December 4th at the Teatro Alkestis in Cagliari.
Between the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011, the protagonist was the festival “Incontri 2010”, organized by Teatro Laboratorio Alkestis with the participation of Compagnia d’Arte Circo Calumèt. The exhibition had Sardinian and non-Sardinian companies as protagonists: Minimalimmoralia with the show “Veneti Fair”, the company MenoVenti with “InvisibilMente” and the company of Tempio Maldimarem with “Prima di dormire”. The festival ended in January with the national premiere of "Corpo da Veleno Vinto", inspired by Shakespeare's Hamlet, a show co-produced by Teatro Laboratorio Alkestis and Compagnia d'Arte Circo Calumèt, directed by Andrea Meloni. On stage Andrea Meloni, Sabrina Mascia and Pier Paolo Murru's live music.
As always, our cinema d’essai activities took place throughout the year.


At the beginning of 2011, the second and last part of the festival “Incontri 2010” ended, with the Maldimarem company show “Prima di dormire". The festival ended at the end of January with the debut of the new co-production of the Teatro Laboratorio Alkestis and compagnia d’arte Circo Calumèt "Corpo da veleno vinto" directed by Andrea Meloni, with Sabrina Mascia, Andrea Meloni and Pier Paolo Murru.
Starting from February, the co-production of the theatrical show inspired by the life of the writer Hans Christian Andersen "La drogheria di Odense", directed by Andrea Meloni, with Verena Knaup and Sabrina Mascia was proposed again, especially for elementary and middle schools.
To celebrate the beginning of the spring season and on the occasion of the World Poetry Day, on March 21st at Teatro Alkestis the first edition of “Danze su dune candide” debuted, poetry reading by Teatro Alkestis, Circo Calumèt and other companies and other theatrical actors of Cagliari and its province (L'Eptacordio, Teatro del Segno, Il Salto del Delfino, teatrostudio, Ananché, Teatro dell'Elefante, Teatro del Sale, Raffaele Chessa).
In June a new version of “Il Teatro dei Fratelli Scomparso - reading version” was proposed, directed by Andrea Meloni, with Simone Dulcis, Andrea Meloni and Pier Paolo Murru. The show was premiered at Lo Spazio (In) visible in Cagliari and then at Teatro Alkestis.
On 1 July it was the turn of the reading “Ad ora incerta” by and with Andrea Meloni.
At the end of October, the children's show “Storia dell’oca" made its debut, text by Michel Marc Bouchard, stage reading by Sabrina Mascia, directed by Andrea Meloni.
The month of November began with the presentation at the Monumental Cemetery of Bonaria of “Le parole della mancanza", a reading with Andrea Meloni, Sabrina Mascia and Verena Knaup, dedicated to the memory of loved ones who are no longer there. In the same month the activity continued with the return to the Alkestis stage of live music with "Laura Mura - My concert".
Finally, in December it was the turn of the nineteenth edition of the festival “Incontri”, whose theme was centered on the abyss and other water figures. Incontri 2011 hosted at the Alkestis st theatrical studies: "Xanas - pelle negli abissi" by and with Alessandra Leo, “Ricostruzione - primo studio" by and with Fausto Siddi and Roberta Locci. The festival continued with the round table “Città di mare”, meetings, testimonies, readings on the theme of the sea with Olindo Paulis, Santa Gilla fishermen cooperative, Laguna cooperative society, Colsub cooperative, Non solo mare cooperative, Santa Barbara fishermen cooperative. The festival ended with the new co-production by Teatro laboratorio Alkestis and Compagnia d’arte Circo Calumèt “Il Teatro dei fratelli Scomparso - teatro in stato di ebbrezza” (= “The theater of the Scomparso brothers - theater in a state of intoxication”), by Andrea Meloni, with Simone Dulcis, Verena Knaup, Sabrina Mascia and Andrea Meloni.


The year opened with the reading "Ad ora incerta” (= “At an uncertain hour”) by and with Andrea Meloni, which was re-proposed in new guises also in the months of April and June, creating a magical and intimate atmosphere with the audience. In order to make the reading known to a wider audience, "Ad ora incerta" was also proposed in the parish hall of the Church “Nostra Signora di Fatima”, at the Fishermen's Village in Cagliari, arousing interest in a new slice of spectators.
Throughout the month of February, three reruns of the show “La drogheria di Odense” (= “The Odense drugstore”) were proposed and staged for young and adult audiences, including a matinée intended for school operators, librarians and professionals from the social and clinical fields involved in protection of minors.
In March, companies and artists from Cagliari gathered together on the Alkestis stage to celebrate, for the second consecutive year, the World Poetry Day with the reading “Danze su dune candide” (= "Dances on candid dunes”), which was attended by Andrea Meloni, Sabrina Mascia, Simone Dulcis and Lea Gramsdorf for the Alkestis Calumet Union, Tiziano Cerulli for Il Salto del Delfino, Alessandra Leo and Stefano Ledda for Il teatro del segno, Valentina Sulas and Virginia Sirigu for Theandric, Laura Mura, Monica Serra and Fausto Siddi. The intent and primary objective of the event was, as a festive event, to express its meaning in the fulfillment of the party itself, open to the entire theatrical community of Cagliari and neighboring municipalities. "Danze su Dune Candide", during its preparation phase, stimulated the encounter between the different forms of creativity, favoring the circulation of know-how among the participating artists and a culture of comparison and collaboration, through the meeting, in this second edition, the "world of theater" with the "world of music".
The new production of the Unione Alkestis Calumet inspired by the work and thought of Giorgio Gaber and Sandro Luporini debuted on May 27th, within the theatrical festival "1 € festival" organized by Akròama, at the Teatro delle Saline in Cagliari, entitled "In bilico distratto” (= “Hovering Distracted”) by and with Andrea Meloni, directed by Sabrina Mascia.
Between the end of May and June, ample space was given to music: with the concerts “Put an evening in Naples”, first and, then, “Double concert: Elva Lutza & Laura Mura + gruppetto”.
In July of the same year, at the end of the theatrical season, Sabrina Mascia and Verena Knaup were staged at the Alkestis with a new co-production Alkestis Calumet, the reading for adults “Bambini per un’ora” (= “Children for an hour”). The main intent was to create, together with the large audience present in the theatre, an evening through which it was possible to abandon oneself and find again, through the reading of the tales of the Brothers Grimm and a delicious picnic consumed on stage along with the two actresses, that sense of amazement, happiness and magic that belong to the child that every adult holds within himself.
The second part of the theatrical season opened in October with the festival “Incontri 2012 - Buttare lì qualcosa”. The Alkestis Calumet Union, to celebrate the twentieth edition of Incontri, has chosen to organize a program that is not self-referential, but in contact with the surrounding and current events, capable of crossing and transcending the contents of theatrical specificity and facing wider topics with more interest and involvement. In line with the previous editions that paid homage to great figures of the theater such as Antonin Artaud, Fernando Arrabal, Samuel Beckett, Alejandro Jodorowski, "Incontri 2012" was entirely dedicated to the thought and work of Giorgio Gaber and Sandro Luporini also making use of the fundamental collaboration and participation of the Giorgio Gaber Foundation in Milan. The central purpose of "Incontri 2012" was to analyze and disseminate, from different points of view, the thought and the theatrical work of Giorgio Gaber and Sandro Luporini through meetings, shows, exhibitions, projections and testimonies of those who knew and collaborated with Gaber. "Incontri 2012" has ensured that the city of Cagliari, which has never hosted Mr. G. with his shows, was able to learn more about his theatrical art and celebrate the tenth anniversary of his death. The festival opened with the debut and reruns of the new version of the Alkestis Calumet co-production "In bilico distratto", by and with Andrea Meloni, directed by Sabrina Mascia, set work by Simone Dulcis, set photos by Stefano Fanni, music by Nicola Padroni.
The festival continued with two important meetings. The first, entitled “La Fondazione Gaber e I Giovani” (= “The Gaber Foundation and the young people”", had Paolo Dal Bon, president of the Gaber Foundation as the protagonist on the stage of the Alkestis, in front of the students of some high schools in Cagliari and its province. On the evening of the same day, Dal Bon and the journalist and Rai tv host Massimo Bernardini, led the meeting “Gaber, Luporini: il pensiero, il percorso, l’opera” (= "Gaber, Luporini: thought, path, work”), which was also attended by Andrea Meloni and, on behalf of city of Cagliari, the First Citizen Massimo Zedda. During the evening the philosopher Salvatore Veca also intervened through a video contribution. Through these two events it was possible to remember and address the topicality of the thought of Gaber and Luporini with words, images, unpublished films and testimonies, deepening the most intimate aspects that today, more than ever, are points of reference for more than one generation.
In November the guests of "Incontri 2012" were the actress and singer Maria Laura Baccarini and the musician Regis Huby with the theater show song "Gaber, io e le cose”, directed by Maria Laura Baccarini and Elena Bono, production Abalone Productions.
At the end of the month Paolo Dal Bon returned and spoke at the meeting “Gaber, il teatro d’evocazione e Beckett” (= "Gaber, the theater of evocation and Beckett”), an occasion through which the staging of "Waiting for Godot" was retraced and the dramaturgical characteristics of the theater of evocation, and Gaber's interest in that of Samuel Beckett. Through unpublished video contributions, the actor Paolo Rossi and Massimo Puliani, director, professor at the Academy of Fine Arts of Macerata and at the University of Bologna and Beckettian scholar, took part in the evening.
In December, took place the penultimate appointment of the festival “Incontri 2012: “Gaber se fosse Gaber” (= “Gaber if he was Gaber”) a production by the Giorgio Gaber Foundation written and interpreted by the journalist and writer Andrea Scanzi.
The festival ended on January 1, 2013, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the death of Giorgio Gaber, with the meeting “Quando muore un Gaber” (= “When a Gaber dies”) with Verena Knaup, Sabrina Mascia, Mario Massa, Andrea Meloni, Laura Mura, Nicola Padroni, directed by Andrea Meloni. The program of the show included a selection of songs and monologues taken from the vast repertoire of the "Song Theater" by Gaber and Luporini. With this tribute the actors Sabrina Mascia, Andrea Meloni, Verena Knaup and the musicians Mario Massa, Laura Mura and Nicola Padroni closed the festival that tried to "tell" from different points of view the multiple dimensions of the work of Gaber and Luporini.
In addition, in November, Le Mômo, the smallest theater library of the Alkestis Calumet Union, was inaugurated in the foyer of the Theater Alkestis. The objective of the media library is to offer members, starting from 2012 and for all the years to come, a collection of books and multimedia material (DVDs and CDs) owned by the Teatro Laboratorio Alkestis and the Circo Calumet art company. In addition, all members of Le Mômo will be able to request the use of the theater room for viewing DVDs and listening to CDs. With the birth of the library, the Alkestis Calumet Union wanted to create a meeting and discussion place where users themselves can promote cultural initiatives such as debates, thematic cineforums, book presentations, as already happened in the first months of the library's life, documentaries, photographic reports and short movies.
In addition, in the months of November and December, two reruns of the children's production “La drogheria di Odense” by Andrea Meloni were staged, with Sabrina Mascia and Verena Knaup. The appointment of 29th December was particularly important: at the end of the show the actresses Knaup (in the role of Andersen) and Mascia (the grocer) had a snack in the grocery store together with all the children of the audience.
With regard to the training of the public, were activated two theatrical workshops: "Volto Altrove" and “Actor's training ".
Finally, as regards the cinematographic activity, the public was guaranteed, as always, a diversified offer throughout the year (including the summer period) with a particular attention to Italian and European essay films. Throughout the year, the magazine Vivilcinema and material relating to the films screened were offered free to viewers.


2013 opened with the show !Quando muove un Gaber” (=”When a Gaber dies”) with Verena Knaup, Sabrina Mascia, Mario Massa, Andrea Meloni, Laura Mura, Nicola Padroni directed by Andrea Meloni.
From February to April it was the turn of three new productions. Between the end of February and the beginning of March debuted and rerun “Estate Infinita” (= “Endless Summer”) by and with Sabrina Mascia. In April it was the turn of “Corpo al mondo” (= “Body in the world”) theatrical performance by the Alkestis Calumet Union in collaboration with Carovana SMI, which saw the actors Verena Knaup, Sabrina Mascia, Andrea Meloni and Massimo Zordan on stage, with the artistic consultancy of Ornella D'Agostino. In May, the third and last new production designed and performed by Verena Knaup titled “The light of the dark”, directed by Andrea Meloni, assistant director Sabrina Mascia, debuted.
The month of June ended with the concert “Romanzi in miniatura - Quando le canzoni raccontano” (= "Miniature novels - When the songs tell”) by and with Alberto Sanna. “Note d'attore” (= “Actor’s Night) made its debut in July, and it was dedicated to the thought of Giorgio Gaber and Sandro Luporini, with Verena Knaup, Sabrina Mascia, Andrea Meloni and Nicola Padroni. The show replayed in September in the summer setting of the Quince club, on the Poetto seafront.
The month of October was characterized by the inauguration of the minimal theatrical LIBRARY LE MOMO with the reading of the poet Marc Porcu by Alberto Lecca for the CUEC publishing house and of the poet Bianca Mannu who respectively presented their books "L'urlo dell 'alba ”and“ Alluci scalzi”. The month ended with the rerun of the children's show “La drogheria di Odense” (= “The Odense Drug Store”) by Andrea Meloni, with Verena Knaup and Sabrina Mascia.
In November, additional space was given to the children's theater with the mini festival for schools T BOX AT 10.00 AM which saw the Theandric company staged at Alkestis with the show “Il meraviglioso mago di Oz" and Teatro del Segno with “Rodari per tutto l'0anno”. For T BOX AT 21.00 dedicated to an adult audience, the Brigata Stirner was staged with “L'arcangelico”.
The musical events of the mini jazz and electronic music festival Alkestis 31: giovedì di musica a teatro (=Thursday of music at the theater), took place between the months of October and December, in collaboration with Billy Sechi Eventi and Spaziomusica. Lov'n Jazz Quartet, Mario Massa and Carlo Porrà, Free Trio, Dalila Kayros, Hard Up, Roberto Follesa, Spiritul Trio and Paolo Carrus New Ensemble alternated on the Alkestis stage.
The year ended with the freely inspired theatrical narration by and with Andrea Meloni entitled “Hansel and Gretel” for one of the Friday appointments of LE MOMO.
December opened with the show dedicated to the world day of the fight against Aids with the show “World Aids Day” in collaboration with the LILA of Cagliari.


The year 2014 opened with a mattinée dedicated to schools. The guest of the T BOX at 10.00 was the company Il Crogiuolo with the show “Pulcinella al confino in Sardegna”.
The 2014/2015 theatrical season opened with the new production “Se alla lanterna della luna un attore” (= “If an actor at the lantern of the moon”) by and with Andrea Meloni, with photos by Stefano Fanni, directed by Sabrina Mascia.
Between February, March and April the activity of the minimal theater library LE MOMO began with the presentation of the book "Tzacca Stradoni" by Gianni Mascia and the new production “La primavera dei fiori di carta” (= “The spring of paper flowers”) by and with Sabrina Mascia and Andrea Meloni, creative reading dedicated to children aged 3 to 10.
In the months of May and June at Alkestis it was the turn of the first step of project “ISOLA MARE risorse e altre figurazioni” (= “SEA ISLAND resource and other figurations), a new co-production of Teatro Laboratorio Alkestis and the associazione culturale Circo Calumèt focused on the guiding theme of EXPO 2015: "Feeding the planet. Energy for life ". In this first theatrical moment entitled “Isola Mare e la teoria del naufragio” (= “Isola Mare and the theory of shipwreck”), research work on the island / sea relationship. The path continued with the construction of the intensive and residential laboratory “Isola Mare e il laboratorio clandestino” (= “Isola Mare and the clandestine laboratory”) during which the fifteen participants and the artistic and technical staff of the two companies recreated a condition of clandestinity, thanks to which it then saw the light the third moment of the project entitled “Isola Mare e la metafora del porto” (= “Isola Mare and the metaphor of the port”), a conference-show that made it possible to report and tell the research and experience achieved by the creative process that took place from the beginning of the year to the beginning in August.
In June it was the turn of the show “Sognatori, utopisti e visionari" by and with Luca DeAngelis and of the presentation, within the cultural activities of Le Momo, of the project and concept albumPoetry/Poesia project by Valerio Piccolo and Francesca Zanni, who chose the Alkestis stage for the first step of their mini Sardinian tour.
Between September and October debuted the show “Le dieci massime - omaggio a Charlie Chaplin” (= “The ten maxims - homage to Charlie Chaplin”), with Sabrina Mascia and Andrea Meloni directed by Massimo Zordan.
In the last two months of the year the final step of the project inspired by the theme of EXPO 2015 saw the light, with the unpublished co-production “Isola Mare . Spettacolo di teatro e arte multimediale” (= "Isola Mare - theater and multimedia art show”) with Sabrina Mascia and Andrea Meloni and the musician Mark Grace. Furthermore, Francesco Deiana and Ennio Madau participated in the project, with the production and post-production of the multimedia video.
In December, it was staged a new and unprecedented version of the show for children and adults “Storia dell’oca” (= "Story of the Goose”), part of the wider project to promote respect for childhood and combat violence against minors “TI PARLO SE TU MI ASCOLTI” (= “I SPEAK TO YOU IF YOU LISTEN TO ME”) by Teatro Laboratorio Alkestis and Emanuele Ortu, a project intended in particular for pupils in the first and second classes of lower middle school and their teachers and parents.


In 2015, the cooperative wanted to dedicate the first event of the year to the celebration of the Giornata della Memoria (= the Day of Remembrance), therefore at the La Feltrinelli Point bookshop in via Paoli in Cagliari was presented the reading for children and adults “Il volo di Sara” (= "The flight of Sara”), taken from the homonymous book by the writer Lorenza Farina (Fatatrac editions), with Sabrina Mascia and Andrea Meloni.
Starting from February the company has concentrated its energies in the study, research and staging of various steps that are part of a project dedicated to satirical and humorous theater. The first of these steps is represented by the recital "Comédie Silencieuse" with Andrea Meloni staged at the Alkestis Theater in Cagliari, directed by Sabrina Mascia. Another important moment of the project was the realization, from March to June, of the cycle of seminars “Taccuini dall’immaginario” (="Imaginary notebooks”), a training and experimental course on humorous writing, aimed at creating short stories and monologues for the theater by the actor Andrea Meloni which ended on May 28 at the Alkestis Theater with the presentation to the public of the works of the participants in the seminar.
The protagonist of the months of March and April was the resumption of the production “Le dieci massime” (= “The ten maxims”) by and with Sabrina Mascia and Andrea Meloni, directed by Massimo Zordan. The show, which debuted at the Alkestis Theater in 2014, during 2015 was repeated on several mattinée for the schools of Cagliari and its hinterland and in the evenings for the Alkestis audience, and also made its national debut from 25 to March 29 at the Casa delle Culture in Rome, where was also held the free seminar of social theater and educational theater “La rosa del deserto - dai riti di passaggio ai laboratori di servizio” (= “The desert rose - from rites of passage to service workshops”), by Andrea Meloni.
Even in the months of May and September was held in mattinée for schools the show “Storia dell’oca” (= “Story of the goose”) which is part of the broader project to promote respect for childhood and combat violence against minors “TI PARLO SE TU MI ASCOLTI” (= “I SPEAK TO YOU IF YOU LISTEN TO ME”) by Teatro Laboratorio Alkestis and Emanuele Ortu, a project aimed in particular at the pupils of the first and second classes of the lower middle school and their teachers and parents.
Between the end of June and the beginning of July a further step of the project dedicated to satirical and humorous theater was staged: the recital “Un caso senza precedenti” (=“An unprecedented case”) by and with Andrea Meloni and directed by Sabrina Mascia, to then continue, at the end of August, with the recital by and with Andrea Meloni entitled “Che vuoi mai” (= “What do you want ever”) which made its debut in Piazza San Giorgio in Atzara (NU).
In October, “Corpo, da veleno vinto” (= “Body won by the poison”), a production that debuted at the Alkestis Theater in 2011, was presented in a new version that saw the actors Andrea Meloni and Sabrina Mascia on stage.
Between the months of November and December made its debut at the regional (at the Alkestis Theater on 27 and 28 November with three sold out performances) and national level (on the 4th December at the Zelig Theater in Milan) the new co-production of theater-music, last step of the project dedicated to satirical theater, “L'Incantanebbia kabarett” by Andrea Meloni, directed by Sabrina Mascia and with Andrea Meloni and the Lanzoni trio (formed by the musicians Alessandro Lanzoni, Matteo Bortone and Bernardo Guerra). In conjunction with the debut of the show, the box set (cd + photographic booklet by Stefano Fanni) was also put up for sale in which there are the musical pieces (interpreted in the cd by Alessandro Lanzoni, Matteo Bortone and Enrico Morello) and the monologues taken from the show.
The year ended with a Christmas reading dedicated to children and adults: "Grinch (dark christmas)", with Andrea Meloni, Sabrina Mascia and live music by Mark Grace.
As regards the training of the audience, between the months of February and June, was set up the workshop "Actor's Training" directed by Sabrina Mascia.


Since the beginning of 2016, the cooperative has dedicated itself to the production and distribution of its shows, taking care, as usual, to pay particular attention to students, starting from those attending elementary schools up to those of high school. The month of January, in fact, opened with readings in the mattinées dedicated to the students and teachers of primary schools in the hinterland of Cagliari. On the occasion of Giornata della Memoria (= the Day of Remembrance), in fact, the actors Sabrina Mascia and Andrea Meloni presented “Il volo di Sara” (= “The flight of Sara”), a creative reading so as not to forget the victims of the Shoah. In February, the show “Le dieci massime” (= “The ten maxims”) by and with Sabrina Mascia and Andrea Meloni directed by Massimo Zordan, was repeated at the Electra Theater in Iglesias for high school pupils. At the end of the month, the company gave life to a small national tour during which the same production was staged at the Piccolo Teatro Patafisico in Palermo and, the following month, it repeated at the Alkestis Theater in Cagliari for high school students of the hinterland and in the evening for the audience.
The first edition of the three-year project "Sound Around the Island - Music Made in Sardinia for Export" in collaboration with Tàjrà was the protagonist on the Alkestis stage from 28 April to 2 June. The festival consisting of twelve musical events, divided into six weekly evenings, that saw musicians and songwriters from all over Sardinia who, through the different musical genres, involved the public in moments of reflection on important topics such as unemployment, addictions and detention. The artists Irene Loche, Joe and Missy, Gavino Riva, Gigi Marras and the Bufobaldi, Chichimeca, Nahui, Malignis Cauponibus, Joe Perrino, Perry Frank, Sanchez, Giacomo Casti, Arrogalla and Mario Brai alternated on the stage.
On April 29 at the Alkestis debuted "La cattiveria” (= “The badness”) with Andrea Meloni, directed by Sabrina Mascia, a first step that tried to tackle and understand why we need bad characters in literature, cinema and theater. Between the end of May and the beginning of June, the company debuted with “Il rosso e il blu - discesa agli inferi e ritorno” (= "The red and the blue - descent into hell and back”) celebrating the return of Cagliari Calcio to Serie A, in which Giuseppe Boy also collaborated. From July to October debuted and repeated the new reading "Katakombe Kabarett” in which, continuing the speech started in 2015 with "L'Incantanebbia kabarett", satire and nonsense, black humor and grotesque were the different comic styles in which the monologues and dialogues of this reading designed and created specifically for non-theatrical contexts. Andrea Meloni and Sabrina Mascia, in fact, staged it in different locations: the Bar Florio in Piazza San Domenico in Cagliari, the open-air amphitheater of Marina Piccola and the Alkestis Theater.
Between November and December there were various new and old productions proposed to the regional and national audience. “Immagina - il nulla che incombe” (= “Imagine - The nothing that hangs”), by and with Sabrina Mascia, Andrea Meloni, Marco Carlaccini and Patrizia D'Orsi, new co-production of Teatro Laboratorio Alkestis (Cagliari) and Compagnia Ginepro Nannelli (Rome) which debuted on 12 November guest of the festival "10 spettacoli per un teatro" of 33 Creative Workshop of Toffia (RI). The show, presented for the occasion in the form of a first study, was born from research on jazz with particular reference to improvisation, rhythm and contamination experienced in theatrical language.
On the 25th of the same month the Alkestis company made its debut at the Teatro Studio Keiros in Rome where it staged the new production “La crociata dei senza fede” (= "The Crusade of the Faithless”) which, after the positive response from audiences and critics obtained with "L'Incantanebbia Kabarett" and "Katakombe Kabarett", returns to the scene with a work once again inspired by the character of the most committed German kabarett of the Weimar republic with texts written by Andrea Meloni, interpreted by the author himself and by Sabrina Mascia, which include monologues, dialogues and songs, and include small tributes to three great satirists of the first half of the 20th century: Karl Kraus, Kurt Tucholsky and Karl Valentin.
In December he made his debut at the Alkestis Theater "Il bosco dei crimini” (= “The wood of crimes”), a theatrical radio drama by Andrea Meloni, with Sabrina Mascia and Meloni himself, that is a show for children and adults inspired by the famous tale Hansel and Gretel by the brothers Grimm. Through this show the company wanted to highlight the darkest instincts and thoughts of the soul, not in order to produce terror, but a certain attention to what is less named of our complex and more inner "humanity".
On 20 December at the Alkestis Theater and on 21 December at the Comprehensive Institute "Pietro Leo" in Arbus was staged the creative reading for children and adults "Grinch (dark Christmas)" by and with Sabrina Mascia and Andrea Meloni and with live music by Mark Grace. The creative reading, inspired by the famous fairy tale by Dr. Seuss, immersed adults and children in the dark world of the spiteful Grinch who stole Christmas, thus providing food for thought on the marketing and materialization of Christmas, typical attitudes of our era.
The year ended at the S'Olivariu Park in Gonnesa (CI) on 28 December with the staging of an afternoon reading of "Katakombe Kabarett" hosted by the company Il Teatro del Sottosuolo.
Special attention was also had in the audience training through theatrical stages and workshops, such as the first part of "Y?GEN o della grazia profonda” (= "Y?GEN or of deep grace”) approach to theatrical language for beginners and “Sua eccellenza la morte… secondo Shakespeare” (= “His Excellency the death… according to Shakespeare”) both by Sabrina Mascia, “IL METODO STRANISLAVSKIJ su se stesso” (= “THE STRANISLAVSKIJ METHOD on himself”), path of study, experimentation and scenic creation for a theatrical kabarett curated by Andrea Meloni. Meloni himself also conducted, from 10 to 11 December, “Il peggior branco” (= “The worst pack”), an intensive workshop on grotesque theater.
As usual, throughout the year (even in the summer), Teatro Laboratorio Alkestis also offered its service of premieres of essay films.


The year 2017 was characterized by various productions (new and reruns) and projects, as well as the usual training and film activities. The month of January opened with the staging of the production “La crociata dei senza fede” (= “The crusade of the faithless”) at the Alkestis Theater, which was also repeated in the following months. On the occasion of the Giornale della Memoria on Friday 27 January, the Alkestis company presented the creative reading "Il volo di Sara" (= “The flight of Sara”) to the students of the "Pietro Leo" Comprehensive Institute in Arbus. After the first year of the project, carried out from 28 April to 2 June 2016, which represented an opportunity for discussion and reflection on the main issues related to current events, also for 2017 the Teatro Laboratorio Alkestis CRS, in collaboration with the compagnia d’arte Circo Calumet and with the cultural association Tàjrà, has maintained the weekly appointment on Thursday evening to present to the audience the live music festival “Sound Around the Island - Novestorie”. Hosting the evenings and interviewing the artists on stage were Marco Noce and Francesca Salis with the interference of PapiroDDA (Paolo Pirodda). Protagonists of the festival: Beppe Dettori, Maurizio Corda, Nicola Di Bànari, Francesco Piu, Sandro Fontoni with Giuseppe Joe Murgia, Alberto Cabiddu, Andrea Meloni and his drinking buddies and Trigale.
In February the company presented the theatrical reading based on satire and nonsense “Ritorno allo sgabello” (= “Return to the stool”) at Barbagia Ospitale Winebar Griglieria in Belvì (NU) on the occasion of the "Libros in butega" festival.
Still black and grotesque humor at the center of another theatrical production: "KATAKOMBE kabarett", a show designed and created specifically for non-theatrical contexts, which in the name and genre takes up one of the most famous kabarett clubs in Germany of the 1920s and 1930s. The show deals with universal and highly topical themes thanks to the texts by Andrea Meloni.
For the children’s has been re-proposed the show "Storia dell'oca" (= “Story of the goose”) by Michel Marc Bouchard with Sabrina Mascia and Emanuele Ortu. delicate issue of violence against minors in the family context and is part of the wider project to promote respect for childhood and fight against violence against minors TI PARLO SE TU MI ASCOLTI (= I SPEAK IF YOU LISTEN TO ME) curated by Teatro Laboratorio Alkestis and Emanuele Ortu.
In the months of October and November, the integrated film and theater festival "Walking in my shoes" was scheduled, and it was dedicated to the theme of intolerance. Within the festival 12 feature films have been programmed, sometimes accompanied by the presentation of industry experts such as Gianni Olla (film critic), Dr. Alessandro Montisci (head of the CSM of west Cagliari) and director Peter Marcias.
“IMMAGINA IL NULLA” (= “IMAGINE THE NOTHING”) of the company Ginepro Nannelli (Rome) and Teatro Laboratorio Alkestis, with Marco Carlaccini, Patrizia D'Orsi, Sabrina Mascia, Andrea Meloni, directed by Marco Carlaccini, is a show in which four protagonists play, stop, wait, they change their game, they fall into the void, they try again with another game, again stuck in nothingness. In the end, they release an energy of denunciation / reaction / provocation: a message of hope in the midst of "nothing that hangs".
In December, was staged the show “Persa gentilezza” (= “Lost Gentleness”), based on the theme of violence against women. The show directed by Andrea Meloni assisted by Sabrina Mascia for the care of the movement, is written by Elena Fogarizzu which staged along with Marcello Palimodde, Anna Maria Pes, Mirko Marongiu and Silvana Meta.
The year ended at the Alkestis Theater with "Il bosco dei crimini" (= “The wood of crimes”) a theatrical radio play by Andrea Meloni, with Andrea Meloni at the microphone and Sabrina Mascia at the console. The radio play is inspired by the magic tale "Hänsel and Gretel", whose plot is stretched to the limits to try to highlight the darkest drives and thoughts of the soul, not with the aim of producing terror, but a certain attention on that which is less named of our complex and more interior "humanity".
Also in 2017 the training offer was varied: a new training cycle for actors, based on body theater and directed by the actress Sabrina Mascia entitled “Volevo scappare con il circo” (= “I wanted to escape with the circus”) and a professional refresher course dedicated to methodologies and techniques of Social Theater, “Dal rito al laboratorio di servizio” (= “From the ritual to the service laboratory”), directed by the actor Andrea Meloni and aimed at professionals and university students in the didactic, artistic, educational and rehabilitation fields.
Moreover in 2017, the Teatro Laboratorio Alkestis also offered its service of premieres of essay films. The daily screenings also continued during the holidays and summer. In particular, in the months of October and November, cinema and theater were the protagonists of the integrated festival “Walking in my Shoes”, a cultural event which, through the language of cinema, tackles the theme of idiosyncrasy between human beings. The core program included a selection of 12 feature films and plays.


Also during 2018, the Alkestis cooperative created a billboard with a diversified offer that included new productions, reruns of shows produced in previous years, training workshops, festivals and essays films. In the first three months of the year, the new production “Il sacco umano” (= "The human bag”) circulated in six Sardinian high schools as part of the Multidisciplinary Sardinia Circuit - Children's Theater Season 2017/2018 of CEDAC.
The third and final year of the three-year project “Sound Around the Island” took place between February and March. After the 2016 and 2017 editions, which represented an opportunity for discussion and reflection on the main issues related to current events and led the public to imaginary live broadcasts dedicated to sounds, musical genres and the protagonists of the Sardinian recording scene, the Teatro Laboratorio Alkestis CRS in collaboration with compagnia d’arte Circo Calumet and associazione culturale Tajrà, presented in 2018 the new “Teatrabili” project in which music is theatrically declined in every show. The protagonists of the third edition of the festival were: Ilaria Porceddu, I Cento and the Garbage Band, Davide Catinari, Ignazio Chessa and Claudio Gabriel Sanna, Giulio Casale, Sabrina Mascia and Andrea Meloni, Silvia Corda and Carla Onni, the Bertas and Gian Piero Alloisio.
In addition, in the months of February and March, the reruns of the productions “Fiabe cucite” (= “Stitched fairy tales”), reading and theatrical animation for children inspired by the work of Maria Lai, with Andrea Meloni and Sabrina Mascia, written and directed by Andrea Meloni, "L'Incantanebbia Kabarett" in a jazz version with Andrea Meloni and Alessandro Lanzoni, directed by Sabrina Mascia, "Katakombe Kabarett", satirical recital inserted in the TSE theater season, with Sabrina Mascia and Andrea Meloni and directed by A. Meloni, “Persa Gentilezza” (= “Lost Gentleness”) by the theatrical company Gitanjali directed by Andrea Meloni.
On March 1st, within "Sound Around the Island" debuted the new production of theatre and music "Furia e Magnificenza" with Giulio Casale, Sabrina Mascia and Andrea Meloni, words and music by G. Casale, text and direction by A. Meloni. The same was repeated on July 14 in the open-air amphitheater of the Terramaini park in Cagliari, on the occasion of CagliariPaesaggio 2018 held by the Municipality of Cagliari.
On 23 June the new production “Ta’U - Da bambine coraggiose a future scienziate” (= “Ta'U - From courageous girls to future scientists”) inspired by the life of anthropologist Margaret Mead was staged at the Alkestis Theater in Cagliari, a theatrical narration for voice and music for children and adults from an idea by Emanuele Ortu, with Emanuele Ortu, Evelise Obinu and Sabrina Mascia, directed by Andrea Meloni.
“Per filo e per segno” (= "By thread and by sign”), a show for children and adults freely inspired by the work of Maria Lai "Tenendo per mano l'ombra", with Andrea Meloni and Sabrina Mascia, written and directed by Andrea Meloni, made its debut within the Estate Utese 2018 festival of the Municipality of Uta and then repeated, in the following months, for schools and for the audience in the Library of Sarroch, at the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art "Antonio Ortiz Echague", in Atzara (NU), at Alkestis Theater, at the Spazio OSC, at the Comprehensive Institute "Puxeddu" of Villasor.
At the end of September he debuted “Per favore, mi disegni un cavallo? - - Legge 180 (1978/2018) - Azione di teatro e comunità a responsabilità illimitata” (= “Please draw me a horse? - Law 180 (1978/2018) - Theater and community action with unlimited liability”), theatrical show with Andrea Meloni and Sabrina Mascia, directed by Meloni himself, and with the participation of the psychiatrist Alessandro Montisci.
In October, ArTheaterSardiniaNet (L'Aquilone di Viviana and Teatro Laboratorio Alkestis) presented to the audience “TANDEM - o il piacere di pedalare insieme a Teatro!” (= “TANDEM - or the pleasure of pedaling together at the Theatre!”) a city commuter theater project that moves between two theaters: the one in via Loru, the historic location of the Alkestis Theater, and the one in Spazio OSC in via Newton 12, the theater location of the company L’aquilone di Viviana. The first show featured la compagnia L’Aquilone di Viviana with the show for children and adults “Signore e Signora. L’irragionevole mondo dei signori bambini”, dramaturgy and direction by Claudia Pupillo, with Lara Farci and Alessio Rundeddu. Subsequently it was the turn of the Alkestis company with the production “Per filo e per Segno”.
In addition, starting from February, the various activities of the minima BIBLIOTECA teatrale Le Mômo were inaugurated: "Liberamente" interview with Giulio Casale and presentation of his latest album "Cinque anni", the presentation of the book “Educazione all’arte / Arte dell’educazione” by Salvo Pitruzzella, the conference “Ufo in Sardinia” by Pier Giovanni Moro, President of the Regional Section of the National UFO Center, and the creative laboratory activities “In love with felt” by Claudia Mascia and" My Jewels” by Michela Garau, the resumption of “Il bosco dei crimini” (= “The wood of crimes”), a theatrical radio drama inspired by the magic tale "Hänsel and Gretel", by Andrea Meloni, with Andrea Meloni and Sabrina Mascia. Furthermore, according to the spirit that guides Le Mômo "making the whole world a library", Alkestis has joined the Bookcrossing initiative by providing a point where any citizen can become a bookcrosser.
In March, the intensive educational theater worksop “Mettersi in scena: l’approccio drammatico alla persona” by Salvo Pitruzzella was held at the Alkestis Theater. During the summer the #varcoscenico theater workshop for digital native or migrant actors directed by Andrea Meloni was the protagonist. In June they concluded “Volevo scappare con il circo” (= “I wanted to escape with the circus”), a training workshop for actors directed by Sabrina Mascia and “Dal rito al laboratorio di servizio” (= “From the rite to the service laboratory”) by Andrea Meloni, a training of didactic, artistic, educational and rehabilitation fields, aimed to professionals and to university students. Starting from October, two workshops were activated which are part of "DISTOPIE" theatrical courses and workshops for the 2018/19 season. “La logica dell’inferno” (= “The logic of hell”), a free theater training workshop directed by Sabrina Mascia, aimed at citizens of Cagliari, future migrant citizens and immigrants already present in the area aged 18 to 35. “Stanza 101” (= “Room 101”), theatrical re-training workshop directed by Sabrina Mascia, dedicated to those who have already completed workshops and / or theatrical and non-theatrical experiences.
Throughout 2018, Teatro Laboratorio Alkestis offered to the audience premieres of national and international essay feature films and documentaries. The daily screenings also continued during the holidays and summer, guaranteeing matinée shows for schools and, on Wednesday mornings, open to the audience, and Sunday in the afternoon for the elderly. In addition, the Alkestis Cinema has joined the initiative of the MovieDay platform.


2019 opened with reruns of "Il volo di Sara” (= “The flight of Sara”), a creative reading dedicated to the celebration of the Day of Remembrance, at various schools in Cagliari and its province.
In February, the new productions based on the theme of fear began, starting with the theater and music recital “Nella bocca di pochi” (= “In the mouth of a few”) with Andrea Meloni, Sabrina Mascia, Gerardo Ferrara, Raul Moretti and Tonino Macis, inserted in the festival “Buon compleanno Faber” (=“Happy birthday Faber”).
In March, in collaboration with the Ginepro Nannelli company of Rome, the intensive workshop “Esperimenti teatrali su caratteri umani” (= “Theatrical experiments on human beings”) led by Marco Carlaccini and Patrizia D'Orsi and the new co-production “Quattro movimenti nel vuoto” (= “Four movements in the void”), a small theatrical play by and with Marco Carlaccini, Patrizia D'Orsi, Andrea Meloni and Sabrina Mascia, debuted.
In April it had been the debut, and reruns in the following months, of "Les funambules" with Andrea Meloni and Sabrina Mascia, directed by A. Meloni, a theatrical story about art, with particular reference to the art of tightrope walking, focused on the theme of fear of unknown.
Between April and May at Alkestis Theater, we had the 8 appointments of “Sound Around the Island - Il Canto Nascosto” (= “Sound Around the Island - The Hidden Singing”), the first year of the live music festival that begins the new three-year period 2019-2021 after the success of the previous one. In 2019 the festival hosted several Sardinian and non-Sardinian artists, such as Ilaria Pilar Patassini, Cordas et Cannas trio, Due Dui, Elva Lutza and Ester Formosa, the American rocker Michael McDermott, Nannigroove, Àghera and Tomasella Calvisi.
In May the cooperative hosted the teacher, director, actor and dancer Hal Yamanouchi who led the intensive workshop “Movimenti che rigenerano, voce che ci libera” (= “Movements that regenerate, voice that frees us”).
In July, in collaboration with ATS Sardegna, the new production by Teatro Laboratorio Alkestis and compagnia d’arte Circo Calumèt "Il Circo Malacarne" debuted, with Andrea Meloni, Sabrina Mascia and Andrea Usai, directed by A. Meloni, on stage at the Alkestis Theater and at the Cittadella della Salute in Cagliari.
In the month of September, at Spazio OSC, the theatrical show “Per filo e per segno versione gioco - ombre” (= “By thread and by sign”) by the ATI ArTheaterSardiniaNet constituted, for the second consecutive year by the cooperatives Teatro Laboratorio Alkestis and L'Aquilone di Viviana, made its debut and replicated. The production, a tribute to the Sardinian artist Maria Lai and her intense biography, was characterized by the combination of theater and new technologies. On stage Andrea Meloni and Sabrina Mascia, directed by Ilaria Nina Zedda with the technical and technological direction of Marco Quondamatteo.
From 3rd October to 21st December, at the Cineteca Sarda and Spazio OSC, it was held "CinemANIMEsh?n 2nd edition”, a festival of cinema, dissemination, board games, videogames and DJ sets by Teatro Laboratorio Alkestis, with scientific and planned coordination by Emanuele Ortu and Maurizio Ortu and the artistic direction of Andrea Meloni.
On 4th December, “Ola logica dell’inferno” (= “The logic of hell”), the new theatrical production set in a dystopian setting, free and futuristic reinterpretation of William Shakespeare's tragedy "Othello", made its debut at the Teatro Adriano in Cagliari. The show, directed by Andrea Meloni, saw Meloni himself on stage with Sabrina Mascia and with, in their debut, three young actors of the company, Maria Elèna Gala, Riccardo Murgia and Abass Rabiou.
The year ended with reruns, at the Municipal Library of Uta, of the Christmas show for adults and children “Grinch (dark Christmas)” directed by Andrea Meloni, with Sabrina Mascia (narrator), Maria Elèna Gala (body voice) and Mark Grace (song and music).
During the course of the year, moreover, the free theater training workshop “la logica dell’inferno” (= “The logic of hell”) and “Stanza 101” (= “Room 101”) theatrical training workshop dedicated to those who had already completed laboratory experiences and / or theatrical and not, directed by Sabrina Mascia.
From January to July, the Alkestis cooperative also offered to the audience premieres of national and international essay films and documentaries. The daily screenings guaranteed matinee shows for schools and, on Wednesday mornings, open to the audience, and Sunday afternoon for the elderly. Cinema Alkestis has joined, for the second consecutive year, the initiatives of the MovieDay platform.


2020 opened with the rerun of “Per filo e per segno” (= “By thread and by sign”), a theatrical production dedicated to the artist Maria Lai, freely inspired by her intense biography and her sewn book “Tenendo per mano l’ombra”. The show, with Andrea Meloni and Sabrina Mascia, written and directed by Andrea Meloni, was staged at the ANSPI San Domenico Oratory in Austis (NU).
Afterwards, in the months of January and February, “Il volo di Sara” (= “The flight of Sara”), a creative reading dedicated to the celebration of the Day of Remembrance, was repeated in various schools in Sardinia. The performance was accompanied by an introductory prelude to the topic and a concluding and confrontational moment following the reading, in which each child was able to be actively included.
In February, the theatrical sighting workshop directed by Sabrina Mascia “Che fine ha fatto Moby Dick?” (= “What happened to Moby Dick?”) which, after only 4 matches, was interrupted following the lockdown. The same was held online in June and at the Tearramaini park (Cagliari), from the end of June to September. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic which led, starting from March 2020, to the blocking of any cultural and entertainment activity, the Cooperative was unable to stage the various shows and events that had been scheduled. The Alkestis Theater remained closed until August 2020 for maintenance and safety works. The Company, which did industrial cleaning and sanitizing interventions aimed at containing the Corona virus infection, was able to reopen the space in September 2020 exclusively for activities not open to the audience. Starting from that date, the cooperative has also reactivated the organizational and administrative secretariat to schedule activities and to work at the theatrical space according to the safety rules for containing the contagion from Covid-19 and the provision of all the necessary tools for thermoregulation, distancing and sanitation of staff and students of training activities.
After the shooting and the conclusion of “Che fine ha fatto Moby Dick?” (= “What happened to Moby Dick?”), in the month of October, three different training courses were carried out, two in presence, one in streaming. “Taccuini dall’immaginario” (= “Imaginary notebooks”), an online creative writing course by Andrea Meloni, was held on the Skype platform and ended in December. “Gli intrecci di OcnoS - 5 modi per districarli” (= “The intertwining of OcnoS - 5 ways to untangle them”), a theatrical propaedeutic workshop by Sabrina Mascia, took place in presence at the Alkestis Theater from October to December. “Exercises: I fondamentali di una cicala” (= “Exercises: the fundamentals of a cicada”), an advanced theatrical workshop by Andrea Meloni, was also held at the Alkestis, from October to December.
In December, Teatro Laboratorio Alkestis and compagnia d’arte Circo Calumèt made the theatrical short film "Il Circo Malacarne (autopsia per il divenire)” (= “The Malacarne’s Circus (autopsy for becoming)”), written and directed by Andrea Meloni, with Andrea Meloni, Sabrina Mascia and Andrea Usai and the presence of 12 appearances, and the music of the Banda Ionica. The video was made by Roberto Cadeddu and his staff, with the executive production of Zena Film, in two shooting days: one external and one internal. The theatrical short film premiered and replayed in streaming on the Facebook page and on the You Tube channel of the Alkestis Theater on 28th, 29th and 30th December at 9.00 pm.


The year 2021 began with the online streaming, at the end of January, of the theatrical short film "Il Circo Malacarne (autopsia per il divenire)", a 2020 production written and directed by Andrea Meloni, with Andrea Meloni, Sabrina Mascia and Andrea Usai and the presence of 12 extras, and the music of the Banda Ionica, which subsequently replicated on 10, 11 and 12 June 2021 in streaming on the online platform OnTheatre.
In February, the audio-stories elaborated by the participants during the creative writing path “Taccuini dall’immaginario” (=“Imaginary notebooks”) led by Andrea Meloni and concluded in December 2020 following 12 intense online meetings were published on the Facebook page of the Teatro Alkestis.
On 8 March, on the occasion of the European Day of the Righteous, Alkestis, together with compagnia d’arte Circo Calumèt, Gariwo - The Forest of the Righteous and Memoriale Sardo della Shoah, organized the online meeting “La memoria del bene - omaggio a Donne Giuste dell’umanità” in memory of Moshe Bejski. The event wanted to celebrate female figures of righteous among nations and just for humanity and, for this reason, the date of Women's Day was symbolically chosen. At the event took part the artistic director Andrea Meloni, Dr. Alessandro Matta, prof. Carlo Sala and Prof. Anna Foa. The theatrical short film "Looking for Antigone", an artistic project by and directed by Andrea Meloni, with Sabrina Mascia, made in the Forest of Gutturu Mannu, which tells of Cassandra, the symbolic voice of unheard women, in search of the tomb of Antigone, archetype of she who defended the moral law at the cost of her own life.
Two training courses took place in May. On Sunday, May 16, the seminar on Theater for Social and the Community “Dai riti di passaggio ai laboratori di servizio” by Andrea Meloni was held for the students of the drama therapy training school of the Art Therapy Center in Lecco. The theatrical experimentation Master-class directed by Andrea Meloni and Sabrina Mascia and intended for a group of adult users and operators of the CSM of San Gavino and Sanluri took place on 20, 21, 27 and 28 May.
From June 4, the ten episodes of the fifth edition of the live music review "Sound Around the Island - Stereografie”, organized by the Teatro Laboratorio Alkestis CRS Soc. Coop., in collaboration with compagnia d’arte Circo Calumèt and associazione culturale Tàjrà, with the contribution of the Fondazione di Sardegna, were posted online on the Youtube channel of Teatro Alkestis, in the dedicated portal metecalab.it and in the channels of the Media Partners EJATV and SARDEGNAEVENTI24. Protagonists of the season: Andhira, Ilaria Porceddu, Vittorio Pitzalis, Andrea Granitzio, Davide Casu accompanied by guitarist Bachisio Ulgheri, Emanuele Contis, Irene Loche, Silvia Corda & Adriano Orrù, Gavino Riva with Jim Solinas and Gianluca Gadau. The 'LIVE' was told in its technical and professional peculiarities with the JaneStudio Special, home to audio and video recordings, made special by the sounds by sound engineer Marti Jane Robertson and record producer Michele Giuseppe Rovelli. Shooting and editing by the videomaker Marco Gallus. The narration is enhanced by the splendid voice of Cristina Racca.
The month of June ends with the staging at the Jester Club of Cagliari of the new version of the Teatro Kabarett production “La crociata senza fede”, with Andrea Meloni and Sabrina Mascia, direction and texts by Andrea Meloni. The image of a new crusade, neither ideological nor confessional, which sows hatred and waves the banner of intolerance, is the suggestion from which the writing and staging of the show springs.
On 31 July at Spazio OSC - DOMOSC debuts the new production "La parabola dei ciechi" by Andrea Meloni, with Andrea Meloni, Sabrina Mascia and Maycon Bechere, Riccardo Murgia, Abass Rabiou, Andrea Usai, Marzia Zizi, sound design by Davide Sardo, theatrical transposition freely inspired by "The parable of the blind", a pictorial work by Peter Bruegel "the elder", which deals with the theme of blindness from a symbolic-existential point of view, or rather as a representation of the condition of a "massified Us", from the hollow orbits, with an impoverished vocabulary, which is pronounced with a choral language, rather rudimentary and synthetic. On 5 August the show, included in the review “La Biblioteca prosismale 2021" organized by the Municipality of Uta, had been repeated at the S’Olivariu square in Uta (CA).
On September 30 and October 1 “Cosa voglio si sappia di me” the new 2021 production by Teatro Laboratorio Alkestis and compagnia d’arte Circo Calumèt, written by Andrea Meloni, with Andrea Meloni and Sabrina Mascia, directed by Francesca Lixi, sound designer Davide Sardo, technical and technological direction Marco Quondamatteo of the theater company L'Aquilone di Viviana, debuted and replicated.
At the end of November, was held the training course “Sotto un cielo di stelle dipinto", a 2nd level preparatory workshop by Sabrina Mascia, who used the Elizabethan theater and its leading exponent William Shakespeare, as a pretext to talk discrimination and gender.
Between November and December the new version of “La crociata dei senza fede" is repeated at the Jester Club and at Teatro Alkestis for a total of nine evenings. The theatrical production was also purchased by the cooperative L’Aquilone di Viviana and included in the 8th edition of the International Festival of theater, art and new technologies “Le Meraviglie del Possibile".


2022 opened with the reruns of the new version of the Teatro Kabarett production "La crociata dei snezxa fede - elogio dell'intolleranza" (="The crusade of the faithless - praise of intolerance", with Andrea Meloni and Sabrina Mascia, directed and written by Andrea Meloni. The image of a new crusade, neither ideological nor confessional, which sows hatred and waves the banner of intolerance, is the suggestion from which springs the writing and staging of the show which has been replicated at the Teatro Alkestis since January in June and then, between July and August, in a mini theatrical tour which touched the municipalities of Tonara (NU), Barumini (SU) and Carloforte (SU).
The first edition of the BARNATAR theater festival took place from 21 to 25 April, which saw as protagonists, as well as co-organizers, not only the Teatro Laboratorio Alkestis, but also the companies LucidoSottile, Batisfera and Teatro Impossibile.
On 21 and 22 May was held IL CORPO: STRUMENTO DELL'ATTORE (=THE BODY: TOOL OF THE ACTOR), a workshop directed by Caterina Murgia on the Feldenkrais method.
The MESCOLANZE workshop was held in September, organized by the Il Sicomoro Onlus social cooperative in collaboration with our Theater, a continuation of the path of theatrical expressiveness begun in 2021 and aimed at a group of very young migrants, with the aim of creating a path of theatrical exercises based on the theory of the "Third landscape", as a metaphor and possible model of inspiration for the coexistence of ethnic and cultural diversities. The laboratory was directed for the theater part by Andrea Meloni and Sabrina Mascia and for the LEGO construction by Maurizio Lampis. The training course ended with the exhibition of the creative works which can be visited at the Teatro Alkestis.
At the end of October, the ACTOR'S TRAINING meetings, a theatrical preparatory workshop directed by Sabrina Mascia, began.
From 8 to 11 December the new theatrical production PR?TÈUS tutto in una notte (= PR?TÈUS all in one night), written and directed by Andrea Meloni, with Andrea Meloni and Sabrina Mascia, scenography by Serena Trevisi Marceddu and LoÏc François Hamelin, video mapping and lights by Marco Quondamatteo, graphics by Bakis Murgia. The task and challenge of the new theatrical creation was to give content and character to a residual space, a space undergoing transformation, which is in demand; to a space in continuous evolution, heterogeneous, chaotic, which has in its experience exploitation and abandonment; to a social space-state; to a space-consciousness; to a space of protection and invention. We called this space Pr?tèus. Proteus is a character from Greek mythology. He was a deity of the sea, rivers and expanses of water as well as oracle and shape-shifter. Lui means primordial or also “born first”.
The year ended with the resumption of the activities of the minimaBIBLIOTECAteatrale LE MÔMO, with the exhibition of the Scrapbooking and creative sewing artifacts of Kaya Art.


The year started with the debut and replicas, in late January and early February, of the theatrical production IL CASO DI ALESSANDRO E MARIA by Giorgio Gaber and Sandro Luporini, a tribute to Giorgio Gaber in collaboration with the Giorgio Gaber Foundation in Milan, in a shortened version featuring actors Sabrina Mascia and Andrea Meloni. The show was repeated, again at the Alkestis Theatre, in May and June.
In February, the activities of the minimaBIBLIOTECAteatrale LE MÔMO were inaugurated with the Scrapbooking workshop by Kaya Art, the second event of which took place in March.
From March to June, three training courses were carried out on behalf of CPIA1 Kalaris - project REACT EU - PON METRO 2014-2020 - PIANO 1 OPERATIVO CITTÀ DI CAGLIARI - ASSE 7: OBIETTIVO SPECIFICO 7.1 - AZIONE 7.1.1 - PROGETTO CA7.1.1.E: Provaci ancora Sam! directed by Sabrina Mascia, Teatro per la didattica directed by Sabrina Mascia, Teatro e Salute Mentale directed by Andrea Meloni.
After its premiere in December 2022, the theatrical production PR?TÈUS tutto in una notte, written and directed by A. Meloni, with Sabrina Mascia and Andrea Meloni, was repeated from 31 March to 8 April at the suggestive setting of the Alkestis Theatre.
On 28, 29 and 30 April, the live music festival SOUND AROUND THE ISLAND took place, organised by the Teatro Laboratorio Alkestis in collaboration with compagnia d’arte Circo Calumèt and associazione Tàjrà ETS. Protagonists in the 7th edition, entitled Lights on Vibes and dedicated to the encounter between theatre and rap and hip hop music, were: Rico.Pfm, Leschio and Dj Spoli, Swllw in the World and Issu, Razer.Rah and Dj Ilovethisbeat, LoudSilence, UnBlasfemo and Squarta.
In July, the new theatrical production LA PARABOLA DEI CIECHI o del disorientamento, written and directed by A. Meloni, with Sabrina Mascia and Andrea Meloni, debuted and was repeated.
Since September, the Company has organized online meetings on the Zoom platform with several national theater companies that responded to the call “Una Retrospettiva per il divenire”. The meetings, which took place from September to December on a monthly basis, addressed the three themes The Research, The Audience, The Theater. Main objectives of the project are: to develop actions capable of improving the life expectancy of those theatrical creations that are the result of rather long and demanding gestations, for which we would like to build the conditions so that they can do more performances and meet more audiences; to develop actions to counteract the phenomena of theatrical dispersion, such as theater closures and declining audiences; to generate an "ethical market," based on a real economy, that guarantees equal opportunities for circuiting and it is designed to protect those companies whose shows are born from research paths; to create systems and playbills for theatrical circuiting, centered on shared concepts and themes.
From October to December, every Monday on a weekly basis at Teatro Alkestis, Sabrina Mascia directed No. 1 theatrical production (title to be determined) that will debut in 2024.
From 9 to 11 November, WHITE RABBIT RED RABBIT un anno per la libertà di scrittura took place, a project by 369gradi realised by the Alkestis cooperative, under the direction of Sabrina Mascia, in collaboration with L'Aquilone di Viviana, Carovana SMI, associazione Tàjrà, Batisfera Teatro, which featured on the Alkestis stage the Iranian playwright Nassim Soleimanpour in dialogue with journalist Vito Biolchini and journalist Simone Cavagnino, and performances by Andrea Meloni, Gianni Menicucci, Andrea Melis and Angelo Trofa.


The 2024 programming focused on theatrical investigation and experimentation, starting with the eighth edition of the SOUND AROUND THE ISLAND – Deragliamenti festival (January 19-21). The festival brought vibrant energy to Teatro Alkestis with a rich artistic lineup, featuring actors Cristina Racca, Rossella Faa, Elio Turno Arthemalle, musicians Andrea Angiolini, Maria Lucia Costa, Guido Coraddu, Andrea Cocco, Luca Nulchis, Egidiana Carta, Roberto Deiana, the Popular Singing Choir of the Sinnai Civic Music School, and director-dancer Ornella D’Agostino from the Carovana S.M.I. company.
On February 16, the Antonin Artaud art-house cinema reopened to the audience, offering a program of first-run essai films and independent productions. Prominent contributors included Francesca Lixi, theater and film director, Alberto Diana, director and screenwriter, and Raffaele Petrini, producer and distributor for Cat People. Events such as COFFEE AND CINEMA Wednesday matinées and screenings of original-language movies further enriched the cultural offerings.
Between February and May, two expressive theater workshops for adults were held at CPIA 1 Karalis locations in Sinnai and Sestu, led by Sabrina Mascia and Andrea Meloni, as part of the FOR.POP.AD. PLUS 2023/2024 project supporting the Città Metropolitana di Cagliari. Between April and October, the intensive workshop RESPIRO VOCE CORPO, conducted by Patrizia D’Orsi, actress and director of the Ginepro Nannelli Company in Rome, enjoyed great success. Also in April, the movie festival UNA SERA UN CORTO UN REGISTA curated by Francesca Lixi featured Sardinian directors Alberto Diana, Michela Anedda and Maurizio Loi.
From April to May, the first phase of the audience survey INTERPRETARE LO SPETTATORE began, collecting data to increase public participation. From July to September, the second phase, PER UN TEATRO PARTECIPATO, introduced tools for making the audience an active part of the creative process. The initiative concluded with the event QUANTO DISTA IL TEATRO? featuring Roberta Gandolfi (Professor of Performance Studies at the University of Parma) and Flavia Armenzoni (director and artistic director of Insolito Festival). This essential exchange, enriched by the socio-poetic research conducted by Teatro delle Briciole in Parma (2013-2016), offered fundamental insights for audience engagement and the creative evolution of new productions.
In June, two noteworthy film events took place. TRES ANIMEDDAS, attended by the film’s directors Matteo Incollu and Nicola Contini, featured Lele Pittoni (actor) and Francesco Bachis (actor and anthropologist). The latter also dialogued with the audience during the 50th-anniversary screening of Marco Ferreri’s LA GRANDE ABBUFFATA, event curated by Francesca Lixi for Teatro Alkestis.
Theater highlights included LA CROCIATA DEI SENZA FEDE by Andrea Meloni, with Sabrina Mascia and Andrea Meloni, performed in May and June at Teatro Alkestis, then it debuted natinally on June 14 at the “Enrico Rigacci" Cultural Recreation Center in Florence. At the end of July, IMPLICAZIONI lo spettatore (chiamato) in causa, written and directed by Meloni, premiered and was later performed on multiple dates until November. The play centered on the audience-stage relationship, offering a uniquely participatory experience.
In October, PLUMPY la memoria della fame, inspired by Martín Caparrós’s book El Hambre, debuted nationally. The play poetically translated the book's themes through the story of an aging Hansel and Gretel, who revisit places of hunger to reflect on global inequalities. The production featured prominent professionals, including Marco Quondamatteo (videomapping and lighting), Emilio Ortu Lieto (costumes and set design), and LaRosy Make Up (makeup).
The season concluded with two major events: INCONTRI CON IL CINEMA BUDDHISTA (November 21-22), organized with Fondazione Maitreya and Asiatica Film Festival, and the reading IL MONDO IN COMUNE. RITO POETICO PER IL DIALOGO TRA I POPOLI, presented at the Macomer (NU) Cultural Center in collaboration with Il Sicomoro Onlus, the reading explored profound themes such as humanity’s connection to the cosmos, the significance of diversity and human contradictions between migration instincts and conflicts.



International Collaborations among the international expertes with whom Teatro Laboratorio Alkestis has collaborated:

Noburu Kobayashy, shintoist master of the Ishikiri temple, Osaka (Japan)
Yoshi Oida, actor of Japanese theatre, for more than twenty years trainer of Peter Brook's actors.
Hans Andrews, accora of the Roy Art Theatre, expert singer with overtones with harmonics.
Margaret Pinkes, actress and singer of the Roy Art Theatre
Mustafa Holat, master and dancer of the dei Whirling Dervishes of Konya (Turkey)
Boris Moore, actror, dancer and composer of the Roy Art Theatre Rizard Cieslak, actor of the Teatr Laboratorium di Jerzy Grottowsky
Zigmut Molik, actor of the Teatr Laboratorium di Jerzy Grottowsky
Kaya Anderson, actress and singer of the Roy Art Theatre
Ferdinando Longoni, Master of Tai Chi Ch'Uan and ancient Japanese martial arts.
Abl Ali Kan, Master of Tai Chi Ch'Uan
Abani Biswas, art director of the Theatre House of Santiniketan (India)
James Slowiak, art director of the New World Performance Laboratory (USA)
Mohssen Kasirossafar, Master of persian percussions
John Kalamandalam, Master of dance-theate Kathakali
Pey Jan Ling, actress of the Opera in Beijin (China)
Alejandro Jodorowsky
Fernando Arrabal
Gerard Mordillat
Marc Chalosse
Alexandre Yterce
Andrè Labarthe
Evelyne Grossman
Serge Malaussena
Jacques Bailliart
Cairo Academy of Arts
Silvère Lotringer (USA)
Rabie Salama (Egypt)
Moheb Saab (Egypt)
Doaa Teima (Egypt)
Mahmoud Imam (Egypt)
Mohamed Allam (Egypt)
Hal Yamanouchi (Japan)
Nassim Soleimanpour (Iran)

(updated at December 2024)

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